The Art of Community 
Season 4, Session 7
Easter: A More Expansive Vision of Hope 

Scripture: John 20
Podcast Episode: Easter: A More Expansive Vision of Hope 
Stand With Me - Niiella 
Meditation: Please Come Home - Written by Cynthia Bourgeault
Art: The Resurrection - Kelly Latimore Icons  
The Cross and the Lynching Tree - James Cone and Atlas of the Heart - Brene Brown 



Resurrection changes our reality. It expands our expectations and gives us a new vision of hope. 

Opening Prayer

O God, you create and re-create. You are always making things new including us. You want us to be in relationship with you and in community with one another. You offer us life that’s full, abundant, and eternal. In Jesus’ resurrection you show us the depth, width, and power of your love for the world. Help us to claim and live into the Resurrection promise. May the Easter hope find a home in us. May we find ways to share it with others. Amen.

The story is already alive, with or without us. God wants us to be a part of it…to be part of Jesus Christ’s risen life on earth—so that the brave fragile testimony goes on being heard. “We have seen the Lord!” In the flesh? No. In the story? Possibly. In our life together? Absolutely.
~  Barbara Brown Taylor, Home By Another Way

Opening Exercise

When you think of Easter what one word/phrase would you use to describe your experience/understanding of it?

Feasting on the Word/Context/Group Discussion

John 20: 1-18

All four gospels have an account of the Resurrection story.  Each writer adds different and unique details. John’s is probably the latest account written (around 100 CE). John’s particular additions include the Garden setting, the “race” to the tomb by the two disciples, and the encounter with Mary Magdalene.  He also includes two profound questions. Jesus asks Mary, “Why are you weeping?” addressing the grief and sadness each of us experiences. His words, “Do not hold on to me.” challenge our tendency to hold tight to the familiar and comfortable. 

  1. What did you hear in the discussion between Dana, Chelsea and Claire that surprised you or was new to you? What questions did it raise for you?

  2. If Jesus asked, “Why are you weeping?” what might you answer? What are some of the issues in your life/the life of the world that cause you to struggle or bring grief?

  3. “Do not hold on to me.” How is “letting go” an act of faith? What are some things you or the Church might need to “let go” to stay faithful? 

  4. One pastor described the life of Christians as “billboards of resurrection”. What does it mean to make visible the resurrection in our own lives and time? 

  5. Claire, Chelsea, and Dana speak of “transformation” as a Resurrection gift. How does a faith in the Resurrection transform and shape us? What kind of a “world view” does it offer us?

Closing Exercise

Give each person a small stone. Remind them that the stone rolled away from the tomb represents God’s power over death and evil. It also represents the possibilities and opportunities God offers us for new life. Invite them to name their Easter “open tomb” hope for the world, for the church, or for themselves. Encourage them to take the stone with them as a reminder to “live into” that hope.

Closing Prayer

Give the group an opportunity to share joys or concerns.

O God, we read the story of Jesus’ resurrection and hear its promise of life, hope and possibilities. We remember the amazement and surprise of the women and the disciples who first saw him. Enter the empty hurting places that cause us fear and pain. Open our eyes to see where even now Christ is present in our midst. Give us grace to make your love visible in our lives. Show us how to bring your blessing to the world. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.