The Art of Community 
Season 4, Session 6 
Holy Week: The Way to the Father   

Scripture: John 14
Podcast Episode: Holy Week: The Way to the Father  
All Belong Here - The Many 
Loving Kindness Meditation, OR Loving Kindness Meditation 2  
Jesus is My Homeboy: Last Supper 
Love is the Way - Bishop Michael Curry 



Love is the way to know God. 

Welcome and Opening Prayer

O God, in Jesus we see how much you love us. In him we also see how we are to live in the world. Strengthen us for the work and gift of loving you and one another. Help us to listen compassionately and intentionally. Give us wisdom to refrain from hasty judgments. May our words and actions include rather than reject, encourage rather than condemn and affirm rather than deny. May we show others the divine image within us and may we see it in them. Amen.

The way of love is a commitment to seeking the good and well being of others. When we truly do that, we all are blessed. In fact, if we all made the commitment—to loving beyond our nationality, our ethnicity our politics, our religion, or any other difference—we and the earth itself would be blessed.
~ Bishop Michael Curry, Love Is the Way 

Gathering Exercise
If you were to give a brief “word of advice” to your friends about how to live in the world—what would it be? 

Feasting on the Word/Context/Group Discussion

John 14: 1-7 – Focus text: Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

John 14-17 is known as “The Farewell Discourse” (Speech). Jesus is saying goodbye to his disciples. All signs point to his coming death. In these chapters he tells them what he wants them to remember and how he wants them to live. This context is especially important when we read the focus text. Jesus is speaking to his disciples. He wants them to know that they have not made the wrong choice in following him. As one commentator reminds us: This is a word of promise not a declaration of prohibition. It’s not about the exclusion of others but assurance for those disciples (and for us) who have chosen Jesus as “the Way”. Its truth is found in its particularity not in its universal application. 

  1. What has been your experience with this verse? How has it been interpreted to you in the past? What view of Christianity and the Church does it give you?

  2. Dana suggests substituting the word “Love” for “I am”. How do you respond to her idea? How does this change your understanding/hearing of the text? In what way?

  3. Chelsea quotes Brené Brown on the importance of listening to another’s story and believing it. How does it feel to have someone “listen” to you? What are some attitudes/actions that get in the way of our listening to one another?

  4. What does it mean to see yourself as made in the image of God (having the divine within you)? What does it mean to see the divine image in another? How can this view change our perceptions and actions?

  5. Both Dana and Chelsea refer to love as a “practice”. What does this mean to you? What helps you grow in “doing love” better? What resources could the Church/community offer to support you?

Closing Exercise

Provide each person with a small votive candle. Give each person an opportunity to light the candle and say aloud or silently, the name of someone who has shown them the truth, or guided/encouraged them on their journey. When all the candles have been lighted, take a moment of silence to give thanks.

Closing Prayer

Give the group and opportunity to share joys or concerns.

O God, help us to remember that we are your children. Your holy image is within each of us. Give us grace to live out of that truth. Open our hearts and our hands to our brothers and sisters. May we find the courage and the faith to share your unconditional, persistent, and sacrificial love with all the world. May our living lead others to know you and the love you have for them. Amen.