The heart of a community
Our podcast is at the heart of The Collective Table. Naturally, you can listen to our podcast in your favorite podcast app, or below. Additionally, you can read show notes and find connected materials below.
Episode 8: Earth Day Meditation
You are invited to a standing meditation for this moment. From a grounded, solid foundation feel yourself rise like a tree that anchors its roots down into the dirt, the soil, and the rock of the great Creator.
Episode 7: Easter Meditation
Resurrection offers all of God’s creation hope, laughter, and yes, a very big smile!
Episode 6: Holy Week Meditation
As you enter Holy Week, the journey to the cross has begun. Like the lotus flower, you will be in the mud and darkness of this sacred time, yearning for the sunlight. With hope, trust God, and trust the process...
Episode 5: Meditation
During your Lenten journey, take some time to check in with your internal sound. Erika invites you to discern the difference between the internal and external while venturing into a new heart space…
Episode 4: Meditation
What are you holding on to? What is not serving you? You have permission to let these impermanent thoughts, feelings, circumstances go…
Episode 3: Meditation
Can you find small spaces in your everyday moments? These micro-spaces present an opportunity to engage in a sabbath moment -- connecting and replenishing with the Divine…
Episode 2: Meditation
In this meditation, Erika Gibson uses the imagery of water to relax us. She helps us remove all that weighs us down so that we might float…
Episode 1: Meditation
In this meditation, Erika leads us on a journey to find stillness in our (sometimes) crazy world. She helps us to lengthen the pause between our everyday rapid thoughts and experiences.